Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hillary's Crimes #1005

Michael Mukasey, the US Attorney General from 2007-2009, produced an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal on Jan 22, 2016 about Hillary's email mess.  The title is "Clinton's Emails: A Criminal Charge is Justified."

Mukasey discusses the email scandal and concludes that Hillary knew enough about the material she handled to support a conviction for at least mishandling classified information.  That is the charge brought against General Petraeus.

Further, he suggests that more severe grades of bad acts may apply and attract a criminal charge: 
  • Knowledge of what she was doing regarding mishandling classified information relating to national defense
  • Gross negligence in the case of mishandling classified information relating to national defense
  • Bad intent relating to actual or attempted destruction of email messages
  • Corrupt intent relating to State Department business
He finishes by saying, " our public officials will do their job."

Crime # 1005:  Mukasey also mentions recent reporting by Catherine Herridge at Fox, where she says the FBI are now looking at "the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed."

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