Sunday, June 19, 2011

NBC gets the Pledge Wrong at US Open

When will the gradual hacking away at the Nation's institutions by the mainstream media end? Today, NBC twice played versions of the Pledge of Allegiance that omitted the words "under God". Children in a class recited it, and NBC made an edit after "One Nation" and didn't pick up with "under God" when the recital returned. They cut to a flag waving the first time and golfers the second time.

Thousands flooded NBC with complaints. So they apologized at the end by saying they had left some words out. They couldn't even bring themselves to say the words in the apology.

Red Skelton once described the meaning of the Pledge is this way:

The Pledge was changed by Congress to add "under God" in 1954. One can argue if the words should be included or not, but unless Congress again changes it, one should respect the institutional and say it correctly.

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