Friday, June 17, 2011

RedBear the virgin blogger

Okay...first post. 

It is late at night and my wife, Fast Kitty, has suggested I start a blog to put my thoughts on the world in order.  Now, I doubt a blog is the place for order, but we'll see aboout that.   As a former Canuck, I get to spell things like aboout.

I got tired lately of of sending email blasts to friends and trying to manage the response.   Now they can answer for the world to see.  I also want to capture more thoughts on many topics, including motorcycling, the shooting sports, politics and sailing. 

I promise, dear reader, to be mostly logical, mostly factual, sometimes funny, always earnest, and to spell check everything.  I promise some spellings will be in Canuckian English, which will have to do since you can't hear me talk.  I promise you will not agree with everything I say.  I promise to I will value your opinion in return.

I promise this blog will last until I tire of it...which may be tomorrow or when I die.  I have shied away from social media until now, and I still am apprehensive.  So a little forbearance on your part will be nice.

So, let us see where the ride goes...  ( I do like ellipses, don't you?)

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