Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fast & Furious: Mexico Requests Extraditions

The Mexican Attorney General Marisela Morales has asked for the extradition of six U.S. citizens considered responsible for the "gun walking" of over 2000 forearms to Mexico.  Three of these folks appear to be weapons traffickers from Arizona.  Another three are from Texas, which implies further proof of a Fast & Furious type of operation has occurred in Texas, something DOJ has not admitted.  Notably, Mexico has not requested extradition of any ATF personnel. Yet.

Of course Eric Holder's DOJ and ATF doesn't seem to know that anyone did anything wrong.  The families of, perhaps, several hundred dead Mexicans may differ on that point.  F&F weapons were found at about 100 crime scenes in Mexico.
See here:  Mexico Requests Extradition

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Main Stream Media: Why don't I watch them?

People often comment that it is terrble that I watch Fox News a lot.  They think I should watch the alphabet soup networks because they are more "fair and balanced."  Well, here is a simple example of why:

Two weeks ago, MF Global Finance declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Now MF is a relatively small financial company compared to Goldman Sachs or Citigroup.  However, MF represents a $40 Billion set of mistakes by Jon Corzine and his management staff, and the 11th biggest U.S. bankruptcy.  And worse, the auditors can't find about $600 Million worth of deposits. Two lawsuits filed so far.

So back to the big networks.  How many stories did they do on MF Global in prime time in the past two weeks?

NBC:  4 stories, morning/evening
CBS: 2 Stories, morning/evening
ABC: 0 stories evening, 1 morning mention

And Fox?  Almost every day. 

Scandals: Maybe Not a Scandal, but Pretty Scandalous

Six of the top executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will receive about $35 Million in bonuses for the year.  One, Freddie's Handleman, will get $5.5 Million.  Given that these two GSEs control 90% of the countries mortgages and have received $170 Billion in taxpayer bailout money (and now asking for $15B more), and the housing market is still severely slumped, what exactly are these guys doing to earn all this money?

Sure, these numbers are similar to a lot of private companies, but with private companies the shareholders get to approve bonuses.  At Fannie and Freddie, no one seems to approve the scandalous spending of "other people's money."  And they they don't seem to have any downside to whatever they do, because they are essentially guaranteed that Washington will cover any losses.  At House Oversight Committee today, the presidents seemed proud that they have rented about 1 Million of the homes they have in foreclosure.  Gee shucks, isn't that nice?  Now how about figuring how to stop the taxpayer bleeding by actually fixing the market?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Scandals: Let's Have Some More

On the national scene:  The Obama Administration once again proves it is a master at crony capitalism.  HHS has made a deal for $435 Million for 1.7 million doses of a drug that can't be proven efficacious in humans, because smallpox has been eradicated worldwide.  Besides, the U.S. already has a full stockpile of smallpox vaccine.  According to the LA Times: "Over the last year, the Obama administration has aggressively pushed a $433-million plan to buy an experimental smallpox drug, despite uncertainty over whether it is needed or will work. Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor."  Perelman and associates gave over $400,000 to Obama and Democrats in 2008 and 2010.  See here: Smallpox Scandal?

On the California scene:  The Sacramento Bee has a brave expose article today about the new Bay Bridge.  They discuss questionable testing of the foundation piles by a Caltrans testing technician.  In addition, kudos to the Bee for a nice detail listing of the cost increase history of the Bay Bridge, which is an edifice to the Browns (Jerry and Willie), and the MTC all of whom wanted a "signature" bridge to prove how big their cajones are.

Also on the California scene:  The new report about the High Speed Rail system was released two weeks ago.  As I expected the cost has gone from $35 Billion to $98 Billion, the miles of track are less, the ridership estimates have been significantly reduced, and the timeline for completion has been kicked out 10 years.  The possibility of it ever paying for itself are now non-existent.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Carmel Still a Place for Romance

FastKitty and I spent a few days last week in the quaint town of Carmel.  She found several art galleries that held her attention for more than the usual quick zoom-through.  We walked the beach.  We swooned over two beautiful sunsets.  The food was varied and excellent.  The Coachman hotel was cozy and freshly renovated.  17-Mile Drive remains invigorating.   Best foodery:  Baja Cantina in Carmel Valley.

Fast & Furious: Holder Finally Testifies

Today, Attorney General Eric Holder finally testified before the House Oversight Committee about what he knew about F&F.  He used classic deflect and blame tactics.  Given a cue by Dianne Feinstein's antics last week (replaying the Lie of 90%), he even tried to suggest that we need more gun laws, thereby displaying his contempt for the 2nd Amendment.  He also deflected a chance to apologize for the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, with a fatuous response and an air of indifference.  It appears there is little honor at the top of the DOJ.

When asked about when he first knew of F&F, Holder re-used the excuse that because DOJ has 115,000 employees and many programs and he can't read all the memos on his desk, that he didn't know about F&F until May 2011.  Many people are suggesting this displays either incompetence or direct lying. In addition, he refused to accept responsibility for the scandal, or to say who he would hold accountable.

When asked by Senator Cornyn:  "Have you apologized to the family of Brian Terry?"
Holder:  "I have not apologized, but I certainly regret what happened."
Cornyn:  "Did you talk to them?"
Holder:  "I have not."

It shocks me that this man is still working for the people of the U.S.  His disdain for the Constitution, for his employees and their families, for his office as chief law enforcer, is stupefying.  In my opinion, it is a symptom of the Obama Administration and its hubris.

Later on Cam & Company on, Lana Domino, a freind of the Terry Family, stated pointedly, "The blood of Brian Terry is on Eric Holder's hands."

Stealing the Public Purse: Assembly Plays Games with Specified Funds

The California Assembly, whose principle job is to provide the State with a balanced budget, has failed to do so for many years.  They consistently play games with the public's money.  One way they game the budget system is by "borrowing" money from special funds that were set up to accomplish specific purposes.  Several examples:

Green Sticker Program:  The off road recreation industry relies on a program and fund where the revenues come from an earmarked portion of the vehicle registration of motorcycles, ATVs and other off road vehicles.  The fund is used to build and maintain recreational facilities.  The collected monies are not supposed to be spent on anything else.  The Assembly has stolen these funds. 

Dept. Of Boating and Waterways:  Similarly to the Green Sticker Program, boaters pay a fuel tax to fund grants by DBW to marinas to build and maintain marinas, boat launch ramps and other waterway facilities used by California's boaters and waterway users, including campers near boating facilities.  The Assembly has stolen some of these funds.  It has tried to roll DBW into the Parks Department, where the emphasis would not be on waterways at all and the money would not be spent as legislated. 

The Gas Tax:  Just like the DBW funds, gasoline taxes are collected to build and maintain highways.  These funds are consistently spent on subsidizing commuter rail, bus systems and many other non-highway items.

Stealing the Public Purse: AB32 Costs All Californians Real Dollars

California's AB32 CO2 law is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from all sources in the state.  It also sets up a "cap and trade" system of granting and selling carbon credits to emitters.  The credits start out free but the amount ratchets down over time.  Emitters are forced to buy credits from other businesses if they can't meet the newest standards.  The enforcer of AB32 is the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  They have already forced truckers, hospitals, farmers and businesses to replace or retrofit diesel engines with newer designs over the past several years, in initial compliance with AB32.  This has cost California voters almost $1 Billion for grants for truck engine replacements.

One of the industries that AB32 impacts especially is food processing, one of California's most significant.  Processors use natural gas to dehydrate and cook food.  One example of the impact is at Land O'Lakes Butter, which was forced to spend million of dollars on a new boiler to comply with CARB's newest exhaust emissions regulations.  The new standards are so stringent that even a brand new boiler could not meet them.  Thus Land O'Lakes is being fined and/or will have to buy carbon credits to make up the difference.

Thus, unelected bureaucrats are forcing businesses to reduce production, reduce employment, and maybe to make them move out of state. Steven Greenhut reported on a October 20 meeting with food processors in this article:  California-global-warming-law-choking-food-processors.  "(CARB Board member) D’Adamo agreed that CARB does not believe that AB32 will reduce global warming, but rather was passed to encourage other states and countries to follow California’s lead."

CARB always purports the estimated benefits of reducing pollution.  But Assemblywoman Linda Halderman, R-Fresno, "a physician, focused on public health issues. Regulators and environmentalists talk about public health in a general sense — potential problems from an overall warming trend that humanity has limited ability to change. Meanwhile, Halderman focused on the real-world health problems caused by unemployment and poverty."

By the way, at CARB their euphemistic term for lost jobs is "leakage."  How sweet. How head-in-the-sand.  How sad.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fast & Furious: Now its 35 Congressmen asking for Holder's Head

As of Monday Oct 31, and this is not a Halloween spoof, but maybe a witches nightmare, there were now 17 members of Congress asking for Holder to resign.  Larry Breuer, the assistant AG, was lately shown to have lied about how much he knew about F&F, so how did Holder not know?  It is clear this week that the DOJ and the Administration are now fighting a rear guard action.  They must continue their charade of "not knowing" to the bitter end because their jobs, via election or appointment, are on the line.  So expect to see Lanny Breuer become the sacrificial lamb pretty soon.
See here:  Congressional-calls-for-holders-resignation-more-than-double-to-17

And a little more browsing brings the total to 35 Congressmen as of Thursday, Nov 3.
See here:  Montana-rep-rehberg-becomes-35th-congressman-to-call-for-holder%E2%80%99s-resignation