Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bloomberg Fails in Nevada: The People Defeat his Lobby

New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg hates guns.  Simple as that.  He runs the anti-gun organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns, MAIG, and he spends a lot of his own and his City's money on campaigningagainst 2nd Amendment rights.

Recently, he sent 10 of his lobbyists to Nevada to convince the Legislature to pass an anti-gun bill that limits private party transfers.  Many of these lobbyists had New York City ".gov" email addresses when they registered in Nevada.  Imagine the hubris:  A NY mayor uses public money to campaign in another state. 

The bill was vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval yesterday, after an overwhelming negative response by Nevadans.  The volume of calls was so large they had to set up a separate vote phone line to handle it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mark Steyn at Heritage 2007: Prophecy Coming True?

Steyn talks about his book "America Alone" at the Heritage Foundation in 2007.  The prophecy is scary and the intervening 6 years show he was mostly right.

See here:  Mark-steyns-speech-to-the-heritage-foundation/

And for more fun, here is Pat Condell telling it straight-up:  Why can't the Jews and Arabs just get along?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scandals: Judge Janine on Eric Holder and NSA

The Judge is warning us all again:  Judge Janine comments on loss of freedom

She has a great point toward the end.  Why does NSA have to know about all of my phone calls?  Isn't it true that I shouldn't care what they know as long as I am innocent?   The trouble with this re4asoniong is that  at some time in the future, if someone, anyone, makes an allegation against me, the NSA can go back and look at all my calls, email, Facebook, etc.  And sure as shootin' they will devise out of all of that data some small reason to make me a suspect in something.

This is not the way a free country is supposed to work.

And now Judge Janine on Eric Holder:  Time for Holder to be Indicted

Aw heck, one more Janine for good measure:  Judge Janine at NRA ILA Houston 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Verizon Scandal: NSA's PRISM Tapping Internet Data

Just what we need, a new scandal.

NSA and FBI have been collecting metadata on ALL Verizon phone users for several months, and maybe years.  But they are also collecting your communications from "Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”

See here:  Washington Post: Investigations/us-intelligence-mining-data-from-nine-us-internet-companies-in-broad-secret-program

See here:  Washington Post: World/national-security/verizon-providing-all-call-records-to-us-under-court-order 

See here:   Blaze: bombshell-report-govt-also-tapping-servers-of-top-internet-companies-to-collect-americans-emails-photos-messages/

And President Obama can't say he didn't know:  "An internal presentation of 41 briefing slides on PRISM, dated April 2013 and intended for senior analysts in the NSA’s Signals Intelligence Directorate, described the new tool as the most prolific contributor to the President’s Daily Brief, which cited PRISM data in 1,477 articles last year."According to the slides and other supporting materials obtained by The Post, “NSA reporting increasingly relies on PRISM” as its leading source of raw material, accounting for nearly 1 in 7 intelligence reports."

"That is a remarkable figure in an agency that measures annual intake in the trillions of communications. It is all the more striking because the NSA, whose lawful mission is foreign intelligence, is reaching deep inside the machinery of American companies that host hundreds of millions of American-held accounts on American soil."

"Firsthand experience with these systems, and horror at their capabilities, is what drove a career intelligence officer to provide PowerPoint slides about PRISM and supporting materials to The Washington Post in order to expose what he believes to be a gross intrusion on privacy. “They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type,” the officer said."

The Constitution seems to mean nothing to this government.  When the common sense of ordinary people says that the government is over-reaching, then it is over-reaching.  It is obvious to me that the government can't see the Constitutional forest for the eaves-dropping trees.

DHS Buying Lots of Ammo - So?

For several months, people across the US have been talking about why DHS and its sister agencies are contracting to buy billions of rounds of ammunition.  Conspiracy theories say that it is a plot to keep ammo away from citizens.

My investigation shows that the large amounts are subject to inaccurate statements of the facts.  The best explanation is here:  Running-the-numbers-on-dhs-ammo-purchases/

Today an interesting new development in the House:  House-lawmakers-want-to-know-why-dhs-needs-all-that-ammo

Over-reactions all around I say.  And probably more than a little mismanagement of inventory by several agencies.

1983 Reunion at Columbia - But No Obama

I guess no one expected teh President to go to his 30th reunion at Columbia.  After all, he was only there for two years.  Or was he?  No one seems very certain.  The college says he was registered and graduated.  But his classmates can't seem to remember him.  Ever.

Wayne Allen Root has an interesting commentary about his reunion experience last weekend.  See here:  Barack-obama-the-ghost-of-columbia-university

Wayne asked all the classmates he talked to if they ever met Obama at Columbia.  No one said yes.  There were about 85 people registered for the reunion from the Class of 1983.  See here:  Columbia Reunion Who's Coming?

Now, here is a little counterpoint from
Although I have to assert that the "proof" offered is mighty thin.

This is all quite disturbing to me.  And as Wayne says, something smells.   So, true or not?  Partly true?  Went there but never went to class? 

All I know is that if even half of what is alleged here is true, then the stink is justified. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Benghazi: Did Al-Qaeda Lethal Injection Kill Chris Stevens?

Today, when Susan Rice has just been appointed as National Security Adviser despite her poor qualifications, comes a new allegation about Ambassador Stevens death.  An Al Qaeda weapons expert says that Al Qaeda administered a lethal injection before he was taken by Libyans or teh terrorists to a local hospital, where he died.

See here:  al-qaeda-weapons-expert-chris-stevens-died-from-lethal-injection-in-benghazi

The Future According to James Wolfensohn

Wolfensohn is teh former head of the World Bank.

See his surprising stats and conclusions here:  Wolfensohn at Standford 2012

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

IRS Scandal: Norcal Tea Party Example of IRS Strongarm Tactics

Today on KSFO I listened to an interview with Virginia (“Ginny”) Rapini, who is the leader of the Norcal Tea Party group in the Sacramento area.  She and her group are part of a lawsuit against the IRS brought by about 20 similar groups who received "special" treatment from the IRS during their 501(c)4 application processes.

See here:  Sue The IRS web site

Ms. Rapini stated that by looking at the analytics of her web site, she could see that the IRS, FBI, CIA and DIA, among others, had browsed the site.

Wow, last time I looked, the CIA was not allowed to do work within the boundaries of the United States.

Here is the opening statement on the above web site:

"As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
- See more at:

Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:

  • Every email we’ve ever sent
  • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
  • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
  • The minutes from our private board meetings
  • - See more at:

     - Every email we’ve ever sent
     - Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
     - Full copies of every speech given at all our events
     - The minutes from our private board meetings

    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved."

    Be sure to look at the Complaint document for the lawsuit to see the extend of the abuse.
    - See more at:
    average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:
    As average citizens in Northern California looking to make a difference, we applied to the IRS for non-profit tax status.
    Little did we know … the IRS treated us like criminals, demanding:
    • Every email we’ve ever sent
    • Names of every donor who had given more than $0.10
    • Full copies of every speech given at all our events
    • The minutes from our private board meetings
    Two years, 25 pounds of paper, and days of lost time later, the bureaucrats were finally forced to approve our application after a local Republican Congressman got involved.
    This is criminal political persecution. On behalf of hundreds of conservative organizations across America who faced the same intimidation, we’re suing the IRS!
    - See more at:

    Monday, June 3, 2013

    Scandals: Oh My! Eric Holder Lied Again

    The IBD (Investors Business Daily) editorial for May 31, 2013 opines that AG Holder has been materially lying about lots of things for a long time.

    See IDB here:  Eric-holder-repeatedly-lied-to-congress

    Interesting commentary by J. Christian Adams, a former prosecutor at DOJ who quit because of conflict with his conscience, discusses this with Cam Edwards on Cam & Company - See June 3 show, 1st interview.

    Holder is systematically packing the DOJ with radical racism lawyers.  He has hired 160 so far and has another 60 on tap.   The initial and prime example is the non-prosecution of the Black Panthers who wielded clubs at a polling station in Philadelphia in 2008.  See here:  New_Black_Panther_Party_voter_intimidation_case

    The Speech Police are Coming

    Looks like the US DOJ is learning from the speech police in Canada.

    See here:  Federal-attorney-warns-negative-posts-against-islam-could-get-you-prosecution-imprisonment

    If you are wondering about the Canada reference, look up Mark Stein and his battle a few years ago for saying unkind things about Islamists.

    United Nations: Arms Trade Treaty Signing

    This week, John Kerry, US Ambassador to the United Nations, and eventually President Obama will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty. 

    This posting discusses how that will be an act that eventually will destroy the 2nd Amendment.  See here:  What-if-obama-signs-the-un-arms-trade-treaty?

    I personally consider that signing this Treaty is tantamount to treason, for both Kerry and the President.

    Russia, India, China, and even Canada may not sign this treaty.

    Update:  What game is Obama playing?  He is making sure no one notices.  See here:  UN-small-arms-treaty-may-be-signed-under-cover-of-darkness

    Update for June 7:  Kerry and Obama still on track to sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty despite a majority of the Senate saying, "Don't do it."  See here:    Obama-to-ignore-senate-sign-2nd-amendment-violating-u-n-gun-treaty

    1984 Redux: Tracking Kids by Iris Scans

    The government leviathan is growing more and more blatant each day. 

    In Florida, some schools seem to think the own the students.  This is another in the long, sad saga of trading freedom for (supposed) security:  Whos-tracking-your-children

    And the even sadder part is that the school board members and teachers who should know better are complicit in the rush to regimentation. 

    I fear that few have any independent soul anymore.

    IRS Scandal: Washington made me do it

    From the Daily Caller:

    Looks like we were told yet another lie in the IRS scandal. TheDC's Caroline May reports:

    In interviews with House Oversight Committee investigators, Cincinnati IRS employees said that they believed that targeting of conservative groups came from Washington, not from a couple of 'rogue agents.' Sunday the House Oversight Committee released partial transcripts of Oversight Committee investigators’ interviews with unnamed Cincinnati IRS employees, which contradicts the line coming from the White House. 'It’s impossible,' an IRS employee responded to an investigator’s question about the allegations that the targeting of conservative groups was due to 'two rogue agents.' 'As an agent we are controlled by many, many people. We have to submit many, many reports. So the chance of two agents being rogue and doing things like that could never happen.'"

    TheDC Morning suspects we still don't know half the story.  See here:  Cincinnati-irs-employee-washington-was-basically-throwing-us-underneath-the-bus

    Note especially the attitude of "just following orders" that seems to be prevalent, despite some "uneasy" feeling by employees.

    California Debt: More, more, more...

    A new report says California's debt for State and local governments is now about $850 Billion.  For perspective, the annual budget is about $100 billion.  Gee, only 8 years of no public spending to pay it off.

    See here:  Report-californias-actual-debt-set-at-848b-could-pass-1.11trillion

    But here is some good news.  It seems the general public has more smarts than our politicians:   Poll-most-californians-favor-saving-budget-surplus-over-spending


    This post is about control. The control mechanism is gun control, but it will be knife control soon, and then baseball bats and golf clubs and who knows what else. It is about the vilification of a whole class of citizens (you and me) who will have done nothing illegal, but who will become criminals because of a long list of new anti-gun laws now being passed in Sacramento. These laws will do nothing to stop crime - they don't even pretend to. They are aimed squarely at the 45% of Californians who believe in the 2nd Amendment and self-defense as a human right. The majority politicians in Sacramento don't believe in those things. Thus they are attempting to control you and me with laws that will create new criminals. Because, it is true that innocent people cannot be controlled, thus you must create criminals.

    Do you own a simple 60 year old Marlin Model 60 semi-auto .22 LR? If you do, soon that will be an "assault weapon" and you will be a criminal if you don't register it. After you register it, you can't loan it, or sell it, and it must be destroyed when you die.

    Call your representatives and tell them to stop destroying your rights and confiscating your property. Call the Governor and tell him to veto all of these laws.

    Saturday, June 1, 2013

    IRS Scandal: Some Interesting Numbers

    I have not commented much on the current crop of scandals affecting the White House and the Administration.  In terms of the health of the country, scandals are not desired.  However, if funny business is going on behind the scenes, where the Constitution and the Law is being subverted, then scandals are necessary.

    I commented extensively the past three years on Fast and Furious, the first of the extra-legal endeavors by the DOJ and ATF. I believe it reaches to the White House and certainly to Eric Holder.  It progresses in Oversight Committee hearing and investigations.

    Lately we have the Benghazi debacle where the President outright lied about the whole affair.  I can forgive him and his staff of incompetency on the night of September 11, 2012, but not of the lying afterward.

    And then there are the secret email accounts of Administrators like Lisa Jackson (Richard Windsor) of the EPA and Kathleen Sibelius ( of HHS.   Sibelius' nom-de-crook even got commendations.  Three years in a row, "he" was awarded a Certificate for Ethical Behavior, and was also given a certificate for completing cyber-security training courses.  So much for the "most transparent administration."  See here:  US-Secret-Emails

    Then came the James Rosen of Fox News scandal where DOJ has been reading his emails, listening to his phone calls and accusing him of being a co-conspirator in espionage.  Rightly, this case has had a chilling effect on the nation's press corps, who already are scared to ask tough questions of the Administration.

    Now we have the IRS scandal of abusing conservative groups who were seeking 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 status.  This is the most chilling of all, since it deals directly with the practice of tyranny in arguably the most important government department, the IRS.  And worst, it now appears that the impetus for the extra and biased scrutiny was coming from the Administration.  This is my allegation and not proved yet, but the circumstantial evidence is mounting.

    So, to the Interesting Numbers:

    The Daily Caller has studied the White House visitor logs.  Do they suggest complicity or at least opportunity to influence to you?

    157 visits - IRS Director Schulman during entire Obama presidency

    118 visits - IRS Director Schulman during years of enhanced IRS scrutiny, 2010 to 2012.  (Includes two election cycles.)

    90 visits - Deputy Director IRS during entire Obama presidency

    100 visits - VP Joe Biden  during entire Obama presidency

    62 visits - AG Eric Holder during entire Obama presidency

    <50 visits each - Treasury Sec Geitner and HHS Secretary Sibelius

    1 visit - IRS Director during entire Bush presidency

    Then it comes to light that not just conservative groups but also religious and educational groups.  Where is the justification for the IRS to request the text of prayers that religious groups say?  See here:  Are-you-now-or-have-you-ever-been-a-christian?

    Now, let's add to this the amazing coincidence of how some conservative groups and individuals have been audited by the IRS in the past few years.

    For instance, Wayne Allen Root won a tax court case against an IRS audit in 2011.  Five days later the IRS started another audit.  Root was a classmate of Obama at Columbia, but never heard of or met the man.  He is an outspoken commentator who appears to be targeted by the Administration.  See here: why-is-the-leftist-media-going-after-the-irs-victims or Root's Story on Radio and especially Root's IRS Story

    Through all of this I am reminded of the story of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170.  King George II eventually became exasperated with his bishop because he actually tried to be a bishop and serve the poor, among other transgressions against the King.  George at one point famously said, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"  It wasn't long before four knights took it upon themselves to kill Becket, perceiving a Royal edict.  I am afraid Obama and crew operate similarly - expressions of wishes get carried out without direct orders being issued.  Thus the President can say, "The first I knew of the IRS scandal was from the press reports."  But all along the bureaucracy has been interpreting and executing those desires.