Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hillary's Crimes #1001 and 1002

There are so many Hillary crimes that I just arbitrarily started at 1000.  Close enough for government work.

1001:  So, this week we  learned that she had previously told the FBI that she started using her home email server for her personal email in March of 2009.  But now we find out the FBI has recovered emails to Gen. Petraeus that occurred before then.  Just another in the long line of Hillary perjuries...ah...what difference does it make!

1002:  Today Bill and Hill gave an interview about the email scandal on TV (Meet the Press?).  As I heard it, their campaign manager tweeted that the whole matter is now settled, or words to that effect.  At almost the same time, a manager in the Hillary Super PAC also tweeted the same message to her folks.  Same words, same commas! Sounds like coordination of at least cut and pasting a message sent to both.  So sad for them, that kind of coordination is a crime.  Campaigns and PACS cannot coordinate,  or plan together or even coomunicate.  (Think they'll get busted?  Nah, because the laws for ordinary people don't apply to her highness Hillary.)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hillary's Email Scandal 3 - Or Should I Say Crime?

Here is an  interesting discussion with a former Federal Marshall about Hilliary's emails.  See video embedded in this Breitbart report about Hillary staff in Nevada conducting suspicious campaign voter registration actions, which Nevada's Attorney General in now investigating.


Friday, September 4, 2015

Hillary's Email Scandal 2 - Staffers Participate in Email Coverup

How did Hillary actually set up an email server in her home?  Well, first she used the IT guy that was assigned as her tame computer expert.  Then she used her staff to manage her emails.

So, did all of these people know that they were doing something wrong and contrary to Federal Code (including 18USC798) and State Department rules?  Of course they did.  But, you don't disagree with Hillary and risk facing her mean and vindictive anger.  And, as far as I have seen, none of her staff held sufficient security clearances to handle her mail.

First:  More proof of criminal intent:  clinton-asked-diplomat-to-send-classified-intel-to-my-personal-email

IT Guy: Bryan Pagliano.  His State Dept. job was to be Hillary's IT expert.  He worked as her IT director during her 2008 campaign.  Then he was hired by State in May 2009 as special projects manager to the Chief Tech Officer.  He had responsibility for setup and maintenance of her personal servers.  The proof that he knew about the impropriety is that he has now invoked his 5th Amendment right to not self-incriminate himself after being subpoenaed by Trey Gowdy's House Select Committee on Benghazi.  In addition, he did not report on his taxes or ethics forms about the income.  He left this job when she finished as Secretary.  See here:  Former-staffer-who-maintained-hillary-clintons-private-email-server-to-plead-the-fifth

Staffer 1:  Huma Mahmood Abedin, wife of Anthony Wiener.  Close confidant.  Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton as a special government employee." At the same time, she was a consultant at the Teneo consulting firm and a paid consultant for the Clinton Foundation.  Can you say " Multiple allegiances?"  See Wikipedia:

Staffer 2:  Cheryl Mills - She helped to delete emails from the infamous 70,000.  No sufficient security clearance?  See here:  aides-hillary-clinton-testify-benghazi   She gave nine hours of closed testimony on September 3, 2015.

Lawyer:  David Kendall has known both Clintons since their days at Yale.  He defended Bill during his impeachment hearings.  Kendall is known to have held, in a safe delivered by the State Dept, thumb drive(s) containing copies of Hillary's email server data.  Kendall similarly does not hold sufficient security clearance to have these in his possession.

So, how many people are potentially in trouble for handling, modifying, passing on sensitive emails?  At the least we have Pagliano, Mills, Abedin, and Hillary's lawyer.  There must be many others in State and other groups.   Someone removed the "Secret" banners from several emails (felony).  Many must have selected emails for Hillary to manage the flow of traffic (misdemeanor or felony depending on classification).  Several at State obviously knew she had the personal servers and didn't report the offenses (felonies?).  And on and on...

See here:  Hillary-clintons-aides-could-face-prosecution-for-mishandling-classified-material

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

EPA Tryanny in Wyoming

Andy Johnson is a small farmer/rancher who works as a welder to raise his family of six.  He built a stock pond a few years ago, after obtainingall needed local and state permits.  These permits were signed off by the correct agencies when the pond was completed.

Two years later EPA charged him with an illegal construction in a wetland.  They have been fining him at least $37,500 per day ever since.  The total is now over $16 million.

Watch this video to see the injustice and to see the beautiful little pond that has enhanced the local environment on Andy's property and neighborhood.

Andy Johnson Stock Pond in Wyoming - PLF video

Thankfully, Pacific Legal Foundation and many legislators have come to Andy's assistance.  However, EPA still maintains that Andy has violated teh Clean Water Act, especially now that they have declared jurisdiction of all of the "Waters of the U.S."

The scary part is that if the EPA prevails on its "Waters of the U.S." declaration, they will have destroyed private property rights for all Americans who have any type of water on their property.  Significantly, the White House supports and encourages this bureaucratic tyranny.

See PLF page here:

RedBear encourages donations to PLF for the good work they do for freedom.

Similar story:  Mike and Chantall Sackett fought the EPA and after about 6 years finally won in the Supreme Court.  The court said things like "egregious overreach" about the EPA.  The decision was 9-0.  See here:  Sackett Case against EPA

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hillary's Email Scandal 1

I haven't written much about Hillary's email scandal because the press, for once, is actually doing it's job fairly well.

Bottom Line:  Hillary set up a private email server at home and thereby broke the confidentiality rules of the State Department and US Code.  She should be prosecuted and, I believe, convicted.  She should go to jail.  The law is clear and the offenses are clear.

Side Line:  It is Hillary.  Damn it!  Why is she somehow special?  Why do the Clintons get away with so much illegality, so much lying, so much prevariacation, so much elitism?

Top Line:  A Special Proscecutor must be appointed.  It is time to end the Clinton tyranny.

Here is a good summary of the scandal, by my favorite judge:  justice-jeanine on Aug 16, 2015
And another:  justice-jeanine Why Hillary?

There has been lots of good reporting on the email scandal.  Here is one from Breitbart on August 31, 2015, that shows how they knew they were doing wrong:

Hillary’s Email Crashed: Agency Didn’t Know The Account Was Hers!

Hillary Clinton’s secret email network crashed in 2010, and the email help-desk at the State Department dismissed the problem as unimportant because they didn’t know that she used a private email address to run the nation’s foreign policy.
Clinton’s private email went down in February 2010, causing confusion for her and her top aide Huma Abedin, according to a new set of highly-redacted Clinton emails released by the State Department Monday night.
Clinton received a routine message from a State Department computer staffer who clearly didn’t know that was the Secretary’s email address The message had told Clinton that some of the HDR22 messages were being flagged with “fatal errors.”
Clinton forwarded the message to Abedin, asking what was going on.
“Ur email must be back up!!,” Abedin said excitedly. “What happened is judith sent you an email. It bounced back. She called the email help desk at state (I guess assuming u had state email) and told them that. They had no idea it was YOU, just some random address so they emailed. Sorry about that. But regardless, means ur email must be back! R u getting other messages?”
“I’ve gotten some messages from yesterday – how about you?” Clinton replied.
“Nothing,” replied Abedin on her State Department account.
In another email from that same month, Clinton made sure to differentiate between Abedin’s State Department email account and her account when figuring out how to reply to different people.
“[Please] give her Huma’s State email” Clinton told aide Cheryl Mills, referring to a staffer for British official Catherine Ashton.
The new emails show Clinton and her advisers cleverly manipulating transparency guidelines.
“Well, that is certainly worthy of being top secret,” Clinton told a staffer in February 2010, referring to a Tony Blair statement about an initiative to establish a two-state solution with regard to Israel and Palestine. An exchange between Clinton and Blair’s wife Cherie regarding a potential conversation with the Qatari royal family was marked “Confidential.”

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, 2016 Presidential Race, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Tony Blair, Cheryl Mills