Friday, June 27, 2014

Scandals: NLRB Appointments Struck Down by SCOTUS

In one of two a major wins for the People this week, The Supreme Court has ruled that President Obama's appointments to the National Labor Relations Labor Board last year were illegal.  Like many actions Obama has taken lately, he claimed executive privilege to make these appointments during what he call a "recess" by Congress.  The Court said, "Sorry, you are not king."

Monday, June 23, 2014

Scandal: IRS Looses Lois Lerner's Emails - Really?

This new Obama Adiminstration scandal has teh potential to bring down the President, just like teh loss of 18 minutes of Oval Office tapes did in Richard Nixon.

How can John Koskinen state to House Oversight that 7 hard disks crashed, conveniently 10 days after the House asked for more emails about the coverup of the persecution of conservative prospective 501c groups?  Emails exist on originating organization servers, on hard disks (if they are setup to store messages locally), on intermediate email servers, on recipient organization servers, on recipients' computers, and probably in the maw of NSA's Utah data farm.  So it is likely that Koskinen was lying or severely misinformed.

Now comes the revelation that the contract with the IRS' backup storage company, Sonasoft, was ended soon after the emails were "lost."

Can it get any better as a soap opera?   bombshell-irs-fired-back-company-sonasoft-shortly-lois-lerners-computer-crashed/

The question is:  What is so damaging hat is hiding in Lois Lerner's emails?  A direct link to the White House?  Direct instructions to persecute conservative groups?  Or worse?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Scandal or Treason: 12 More Terrorists Released

File this under:  You have got to be F'n kidding me!

See here:  obama-releases-another-12-jihad-terrorists-us-military-prison/

Soon, from the coast of Syria to western Chinese border will be a caliphate of Muslim extremists from ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda, Taliban, and other groups with three goals:
- to drive that whole region back to the 15th Century
- to act as a breeding ground for worldwide religious jihad against Western ways
- to kill as many infidels as possible

Some one has to stand up and say enough is enough.  Can you say Crusades?

I can't see it being Obama.  He is on vacation again in Rancho Mirage.  I don't think he knows a whit of what he is doing.  He certainly cannot decide to do things in a hurry...he needs to consider indeterminately, hoping that the problems will just go away. 

When 1700 Iraqi policemen got executed in mass graves yesterday, doesn't he get the message?  He and Prime Minister Maliki created this disaster in 2011 when they announced "victory" and began the pullout of US troops.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Scandal: America Invaded: Obama Encourages Child Invasion on Southern Border

In 2012, President Obama used an executive order (once again illegal) to grant effective amnesty to hundreds of thousands of "Dreamers," that is kids of illegal immigrants who have been raised in the US. 

Subsequent to this, administrative actions have extended this to many who are not accompanied by parents or guardians.  Since October 2013 to May 2014, about 47,000 have crossed the border.  The scandal is that this fact was being kept quiet, all the while military barracks in Texas, Arizona and other locations have been converted into what are essentially refuge camps.  Recently , the Administration has banned visitor to these camps.  They have also forbidden Border Patrol officers from carrying personal electronic devices so that they cannot take pictures inside these centers.  It is estimated that in the Nogales area almost 50% of CBP officers are working on the paperwork for these "kids."  They are being promised lawyers and advocates so that they can be processed into green card holders.

Worse, word has been going around in South and Central America that this order effectively means the US will not turn away any children who end up crossing the southern border.  So parents are making efforts to get them to the border.  Incredibly, newspapers and US consulates in Central America are spreading the word that this opportunity exists, thereby encouraging the inrush.

As predicted by local law enforcement in Arizona, the "kids" are now showing signs of serious diseases like tuberculosis, whooping cough, flu, malaria, etc.

Why do I put "kids" in parentheses?  because most of them are not really kids but teens and young adults.  Many have criminal backgrounds or are gang members.  This is why cameras have been taken away and access to the camps curtailed, so the truth of who they are can't be shown.

Soon after they arrive, many of the "kids" inquire about when they can get their Obama-phone.

Estimates are that in the next year, another 140,000 or more will show up and be accepted.

When the real (B6 BLS report) shows over 16% of working age people in the US  are still unemployed, how can the government justify this invasion?  I say it is not justifiable.  The prognosis for more wasted money, disease propagation and social disruption is unparalleled.  And all the far left-wingers can see is future voters.

UPDATE:  Homeland Security announced yesterday that none of these "kids" will be going back!  DOJ announced they will provide lawyers, which is patently illegal.