Thursday, June 23, 2011

Grandparents can forget about buying kid's bicyles...

In the previous post about HR 412 Kids Just Want to Ride Act, I showed how well-meaning legislation has unintended consequences.  HR 412 will fixed the problem with kid's motorcycles, if it gets passed.

But what about kid's bicycles, bike trailers, trikes, strollers and wagons, etc?  I am not sure but I bet that you will not be allowed to buy these things for kid's in 2012.  I called Mike's Bikes in Walnut Creek - they said only bikes made in China were affected.  From my further research, I think that is wrong. 

Because, the CPSIA Lead Law specifies a very low 100 part-per-million level of lead in all parts.  That includes parts like wheels, spokes, handlebars, grab rails, brake levers, and tire valve cores (brass)...all things where the lead will never be able to leach out and harm kids.  Many metallic alloys made of steel (.35%), aluminum (.4%), copper (4%) contain lead as a normal part of the metal alloy.  Even brass musical instruments are affected.

A must-read summary article:

BTW, the law bans resale of used bikes and toys, also.  Good Will and similar companies that serve the poor have sent thousand of tons of clothing, toys, games, children's books and other items to the trash heaps in the past two years, mostly because they cannot afford to test every item.

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