Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fast and Furious: Melson Accuses DOJ of Obstruction

BATFE's Acting Director, Kenneth Melson, on Monday accused DOJ of trying to "stymie" the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious by Congressman Darrel Issa's House Committee on Oversight.

Melson testified on July 4th, ten days before he was scheduled.  The date changed when he realized he could have his own lawyer present, instead of a DOJ lawyer, something DOJ had "forgotten" to tell him.

Melson claimed that DOJ was running a campaign to downplay and stonewall the Congressional investigation.  They took over communications from ATF and “If his account is accurate, then ATF leadership appears to have been effectively muzzled while the DOJ sent over false denials and buried its head in the sand.”

Melson also claims that DOJ reported (falsely) that he would be resigning, in hopes that having a sacrificial lamb would stop interest in the F&F investigation.

Meanwhile, Mexican officials remain incensed, "“I feel my country's sovereignty was violated," (said) Sen. Rene Arce Islas, the chairman of Mexico's Commission for National Security."  They want to prosecute those US officials who allowed guns to walk to Mexico.

We must remember through all of this that local ATF agents tried valiantly to stop the gun walking.  They often pleaded with headquarters to be allowed to recover guns and arrest the traffickers.

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