Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Socialists: 70 Congressmen Profess to be so

A lot of people have spent a lot of talk in calling Barack Obama a socialist.  I won't fight that appellation, but I can't prove it either.  But new info shows that 70 members of Congress do profess to that political theology, as listed on the Democratic Socialists of America website (from the 111th Congress, so not quite up to date):

Now some of them are pretty obvious, such as Sheila Jackson-Lee, Bernie Sanders, Lynn Woolsey and Dennis Kucinich.  But some may surprise, like George Miller from near here in Martinez. 

1 comment:

  1. "NEW" Info Jay please! This is soo SAD!
    Get a Grip...George Miller is doing a Fine Job!

    I think most far Right guys are Wacked!

    I want another Pres. from Texas..the "JOB" guy.
    All his "jobs" cane from city,state and Fed. hiring!

    Your Buddy,
