Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2nd Amendment: UN Arms Trade Treaty

The UN is currently holding another in a long (10 years plus) rotation of attempting to essentially ban civilian arms around the world.  They do this by seeking to control "small arms," which they say don't include civilian arms but which certainly will.  For them small arms also include shoulder launched missiles, grenades, cannon, etc.

Last week, Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas and 44 other senators wrote to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton expressing their concerns about the dangers that the UN Arms Trade Treaty talks pose for Second Amendment rights.  Clinton agreed two years ago to a 180 degree change of course from what Ambassador John Bolton had set at the UN when he declared that the US would never agree to any treaty that threatened the 2nd Amendment rights of its citizens.  Clinton agreed to be receptive to the possible treaty. 

The Treaty negotiations at the UN took a serious hit last week when Canada declared that civilian arms must be off the table in any new treaty.  This is a 180 degree change for Canada, which previously had been supportive of gun control.  Of course the change is due to the new Conservative majority government in Canada, which has sworn to erase the Long Gun Registry, long a poster-child for the global gun control movement.

One must remember that the UN is not a representative organization.  The country delegates are not elected and do not represent people.  They represent their governments,  For most countries, these governments love the idea of ordinary citizens not having guns, because then they are free to pursue heavy-handed policies to control their subjects.  Think about China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Japan, Myanmar, Mexico, Venezuela, etc. which are all models of personal freedom; NOT!

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