Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fast and Furious - Disgusting Partisan Politics by Elijah Cummings

Elijah Cummings is the Democrat Minority member on Darrel Issa's House Committee on Oversight.  Despite damning and specific testimony by three BATFE officers at the Committee hearing two weeks ago which clearly accused BATFE management of wrong-doings that resulted in the deaths of two Border Patrol agents, Cummings went off on his own crusade.

He convened a Minority committee meeting designed specifically to place the blame on guns and gun laws rather than BATFE mis-management.  He invited a half-dozen anti-gunners to testify, and no-one from the pro-gun side.  The idea was to create a red-herring issue to try to move the blame off of ATF and onto law-abiding gun owners, and existing gun laws.  And then he produced a 26-page report that doesn't even mention Project Gunrunner or the two dead agents.  Or the recently reported possible 150 dead Mexican police officers.

Cummings knows that Fast and Furious is going to eventually implicate the Acting Director of ATF, other ATF management, probably Attorney General Eric Holder, and possibly President Obama.  So he is using classic, and morally abominable, political mis-direction techniques.

See following link for an article with more details: 

Overall Picture:  President Obama will not admit publicly to hating guns and the 2nd Amendment.  But he is doing everything possible behind the scenes to weaken our Constitutional right.

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