Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fast & Furious: Felons Bought Guns with Administration Blessing

New details on F&F came out this weekend:

1.   Convicted felons were allowed to purchase guns even though NICS checks showed them to be ineligible and those purchases would be illegal.

2.  The Mexican ATF liaison to the Mexican Government was never informed of the F&F Operation that US Attorneys and FBI was running.  Agents in Mexico saw a steady stream of F&F guns and couldn't figure out where they were coming from and were given orders to not ask questions.  Many of these guns resulted in Mexican deaths.

3.  Responses about F&F from the Obama Administration continue to be "mums-the-word" or "we have our own investigation going so we can't talk about it."

Even more contrary to reality, the Washington Post is still trying to protect the Obama Administration by insisting that the underlying strategy of F&F was sound and that it is unfair that Darrel Issa's Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is making all the very special career FBI, DEA, ATF and US Attorney people look bad.

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