Monday, July 18, 2011

Fast & Furious: New Covert Gun Walking Operations

F&F is getting broader and DOJ people are running for cover.

Darrel Issa's Committee is looking for about 200,000 pages of documents related to F&F.  DOJ bragged that they passed over 2000 pages, many of which were fully redacted.   They are hiding documents.  It is starting to appear that DOJ knows where this is going and they are furiously stalling.

Stunner:  There is now news that a congressmen in Florida is investigating an operations that is similar to Fast & Furious.  As many as 1000 guns from Florida, under Operation Castaway, may have been run to Honduras and the nasty MS 13 gang.   And in Dallas, there is circumstantial evidence of guns that were involved in Jaime Zapata's murder.  People are also conjecturing that there may have been operations in Houston, Los Angeles, Denver, and New Orleans

What kinds of charges could be laid?  At the least there could be multiple counts of accessory to murder, violation of the arms control export act, and everyone with knowledge of F&F has committed a felony.

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