Thursday, July 21, 2011

Canadian Gun Registry: Harper Gov't Promises Demise in Fall

It may finally happen.  After 16 years, a $2,000,000,000 plus dollars wasted, no crimes solved, hundreds of people jailed, thousands of citizens inconvenienced and harassed, millions of database mistakes, and only 50% of guns in Canada registered, the Canadian Gun Registry should be put to death in September or October by the new majority  Conservative government of Prime Minister Harper.

Gun owners played a key role in defeating anti-gun members of Parliament in the May election.  Grass roots organizing and monetary support showed the new government how critical it is to listen to the citizens that you serve.  Finally, law abiding citizens should see their rights restored.  Once again, the whole ugly history of gun control placed only on lawful people has shown that only criminals disobey the law.  Of course there was not a little civil-disobedience in Canada over this Registry that good-thinking people everywhere knew to be useless and insulting.

With luck, the sources of all the Registry grief, the Chretien Liberals1995 C-68 Firearms Act and C-17 from the Mulroney era, will also be extensively revised.   These overly restrictive firearms laws essentially made forearms owners into instant criminals just for possessing guns they had safely owned for decades.  It is time for police and the Justice Ministry to once again treat law abiding citizens as innocent until proven guilty.

More from Canada's National Firearms Association at Harper to End Registry and Goals - Immediate firearms legislation reform

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