Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some Perspective: NLRB vs. Boeing

The National Labor Relations Board is currently dominated by Obama/Democrat appointees (3 to 1).  While that should not necessarily be a bad thing, given who they are it actually is.  The NLRB is now in the business of telling American companies where and how they can build manufacturing facilities and who they can hire. (Just today the NLRB is holding hearings to reduce the time that employers have to state their case after a union requests a certification vote to 10 days from 38 days.  Certainly seems unfair to me.)

South Carolina, where Boeing built their new Dreamliner 787 plant, is a Right to Work state, one of 22.  Washington is not. NLRB wants to shut down the plant and put 1000 people out of work.

The May/June issue of Impris, a publication of Hillsdale College, which accepts no federal money, contains an essay by Mark Nix describing the background of union organizing legislation like the Wagner Act of 1935 and Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 and the damage it is doing today.  Right to Work legislation in 22 states attempts to minimize that damage and restore individual freedom.

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