Monday, July 18, 2011

Fast & Furious: Was F&F Designed for Gun Control from the Get-Go?

First:  At a press conference held in 2009, an Obama administration official happily alluded to a new program that would yield good results in the war on guns.  Part of the proposal was the new regulation that DOJ this week imposed on border state gun dealers;  it requires reporting of all sales of two or more semi-auto rifles. This is the same requirement that Congress imposes on handgun sales, but Congress has not required it for rifles.  This is thus an executive fiat.  (The Obama administration now prefers regulations because they consider Congress to be too difficult to deal with.)

Second:  The most worrisome, and damning, evidence of DOJ guilt in F&F is the response that DOJ has been making to all of the Congressional inquiries.  They have not responded like an honest person would by saying, "Yikes, did we screw up? Let's get to the bottom of it all in an open manner!"  No, instead they are actively covering things up, and acting guilty.

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