Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fast and Furious - First Whistleblower is Fired

Vince Cefalu, who has been working for years within BATFE to get better management of operations, was given notice last week.  He and others have tried to change bad practice and had been stonewalled for years.  His involvement with F&F is that he started a website,, initially to expose mismanagement and then to investigate the deaths of agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.

ATF senior counsel Ronald Weich promised in front of Darrel Issa's House Committee on Oversight that agents would not be retaliated against.  I guess that promise was made with crossed fingers.

To listen to Vince Cefalu tell his story, go to and find the interview that Ginny Simone did June 29.  Or these news feeds:

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